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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Superbowl Sunday!

Hello There Beautiful People!
So today, as you know is Superbowl Sunday, and the Ravens are versing the 49ers; and BLAHH BLAHH BLAHH BLAHH BLAH... I am not going to bore you with the Superbowl, but whoever is interested, comment who you want to win or your favorite part of the Superbowl.  I am not really sure who I want to win, but my dad wants the Ravens and my brother wants the 49ers... sooo, I guess I am kind of torn:( My favorite parts of the Superbowl are the commercials and the halftime performances:)  When it comes to football, I am interested in only in the Giants basically and football video games.  So I guess that makes me a Giants Fan, video gaming freak.  Ughh! I'm ranting again. Anyways, HAPPYY SUPERBOWL SUNDAY and enjoy your day! MUAH<3

Stay Beautiful,
Ariana Claire:*

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